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Carpal tunnel syndrome


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Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in your fingers, hand or arm.

Resting your hand and supporting it with a wrist splint can help ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

A GP may diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome by checking your hand. Some people need tests such as a nerve conduction test or scans.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is sometimes treated with steroid injections. Surgery may be recommended if other treatments have not worked.

Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when the carpal tunnel inside your wrist swells and squeezes a nerve. It can be caused by repetitive hand movements.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is where pressure on a nerve in your wrist causes pain and numbness in your hand and fingers.

Page last reviewed: 16/04/2024
Next review due: 16/04/2027